Tuesday, December 19, 2023

University-Industry Collaboration


In this episode, Dr. Leslie Cordie interviews Dr. Alma Gonzalez about university-industry collaboration. Dr. Gonzalez is a visiting researcher at the National University of Ireland – Galway. 

Dr. Alma Gonzalez holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Studies from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and has over 10 years of experience working around the world as a strategic learning and development consultant and corporate trainer. Alma is passionate about creating and sharing knowledge to enhance organizational performance and improve the capabilities and lives of professionals. She has experience working with organisations of all sizes, from Ministries of Defense and large multinational corporations to higher education institutions and technology start-ups. Alma's research interests lie at the intersection of higher education, corporate training, and industrial transformation. Her most recent research explores university-industry collaboration on workforce training and development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Workforce Development in Career and Tech ED

In this episode, Dr. Leslie Cordie interviews Dr. Brock Kelley about workforce development in career and tech ed. Dr. Kelley serves as Regional Director of Workforce Development for the Alabama Community College System.

Dr. Brock Kelley currently serves as Regional Director of Workforce Development for the Alabama Community College System. He has extensive experience in creating education-to-industry pipelines and has been instrumental in developing programs and initiatives in the areas of career awareness and career preparation across the state. Before joining the community college system, he served as Director of Workforce Development for the Alabama Department of Education.

Dr. Kelley earned his Ph.D. in Adult Education from Auburn University in 2018. In his current role, Dr. Kelley works with each community college to foster and create pipelines between educational institutions. Before joining state-level government, Dr. Kelley worked just shy of a decade in K-12, where he served in numerous roles such as the principal of Charles Henderson High School and System-wide Behavior Specialist with Enterprise City Schools. During his tenure as principal and most recently with the Alabama Department of Education, Dr. Kelley worked to increase the labor participation rate in Alabama by focusing on career awareness, career exploration, and post-secondary preparation.


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