Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The value of communication, creating community, and being gracious to students and faculty


Dr. Ryan J. Petty
In this episode, Dr. Leslie Cordie interviews Dr. Ryan J. Petty about the value of communication, creating community, and being gracious to students and faculty. Dr. Petty is the Dean of the Heller College of Business (HCB) at Roosevelt University, as well as a tenured Associate Professor of Human Resource Management.

Ryan J. Petty is the Dean of the Heller College of Business (HCB) at Roosevelt University, as well as tenured Associate Professor of Human Resource Management.  Ryan joined the faculty at Roosevelt in 2010, after earning his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Human Resources and Labor Relations. As faculty at Roosevelt, he has taught graduate- and undergraduate-level courses in both Human Resources and Management. Ryan has also served in multiple administrative roles during his time on the faculty in the HCB, including serving as the Program Director for the MSHRM program, Associate Dean, and interim Dean. Ryan’s scholarly research focuses on work-life balance, the use of social media in Human Resources, and management instructional techniques, and has been published in various peer-reviewed journals and edited books, and presented at major academic conferences. He also serves as a reviewer for the academic journal Personnel Review, and regularly reviews for the Academy of Management annual meeting.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

“You want me to do what?” Teaching online and maintaining work/life balance

Dr. Sarah Bond

 In this episode, Dr. Leslie Cordie interviews Dr. Sarah Bond about teaching online and maintaining work/life balance. Dr. Bond is an instructional designer and online instructor at Oakland City University School of Business.

Dr. Sarah Bond roots began in Agriculture. Born and raised in east central Illinois, Iroquois County, she was actively involved in 4-H for 12 years and the FFA for 6 years. Dr. Bond attributes a great deal of her educational and leadership success to the opportunities in agriculture and these organizations. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Economics, Master of Science in Agricultural Education and Mechanization and her PhD in Workforce Education and Development, specializing in Education, Training, and Development, all from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 

Dr. Bond’s work experience has included the Enrollment Management Coordinator for the College of Agricultural Sciences at SIUC, Rend Lake College as the Applied Science and Technology Division Chair and Southeastern Illinois College as the Executive Dean of Student Affairs. Currently she is an instructional designer and online instructor at Oakland City University School of Business. An Assistant Professor of Practice at Southern Illinois University Carbondale teaching online for the Agribusiness Economic Department.  An online instructor for Valdosta State University, Department of Adult and Career Education.  Additionally, she is a Co-Owner of Abundant Harvest, LLC which develops customized training for business and industry as well as professional speaking.

Dr. Bond resides in Marion, Illinois with her husband, Dr. Jason Bond who is a Professor at SIUC in the Plant, Soil, and Agriculture Systems Department.  Jason is a second-generation plant pathologist, and his research program at SIUC focuses on the management of corn and soybean diseases. Together Drs. Bond serve as the Faculty Advisors for the SIU Agronomy Society.

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